An onboarding experience for a chat fiction based sex-ed app


TALK: The New Sex-ed


April - July, 2020

My Role in this Project:

UI/UX Design, Usability Testing


Danielle Shoshani(UI/UX Designer), Margot Henderson(UI/UX Designer)

Going this launch screen setup, will provide user's more context as to what they can expect to come out of their experience. 
Quick, simplified instructions for screening the user's motivations of what they would want to get out of this experience.
Conversational language added to represent users’ positive associations with text-based prototype.
Based on mixed reactions to quantifying religion on a scale, this question was rephrased to directly refer to the topic of sex ed
This set of screens gives users a preview of the app content as well as references it to their responses to reassert the custom tailored experience that TALK has to offer.
Take a look at some of the visual artefacts below from this project, while I am still in the process of fleshing out the design decisions and other details. If you have any questions about this project, please reach out to me at or via Linkedin, and I'll be happy to chat further!