after us

Coursework: Persuasive Design, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Role: Visual design | User testing | User research
Duration: September 2019 - December 2019
Members: Danielle Shoshani, Ekta Verma, Lauren Jablonski, Margot Henderson
This game is best suited for a desktop experience. Click Start to play the game above and, to activate the voice command version, click on this link and sign into your Adobe account.

the process

Brainstorming and ideating different interventions with a persuasive goal. Our ideas were divided into  the following categories: Broad Ideas, Experience Format, Psych Theory(that validated the idea), Overall feeling, and Content/Story.

After zeroing down on the final idea and concept, we did some literature review reading papers and articles on interactive narrative fiction games with embedded persuasive design principles.

We then brainstormed what the timeline of the game play would look like first in a non-linear fashion and then in a streamlined manner.

Based on our timeline we then created a paper prototype for the game where post its were used to reveal hidden artefacts and different sheets of paper posed as the different rooms the user visited.

Our paper prototype was then tested out with a researcher and a game designer to better understand if our persuasive goal was evident to incite a behavioural change.

Besides leading the testing effort I also led the visual design aspect of this project designing the individual artefacts(R) and creating the rooms for the game(L)

And finally, We demoed our prototype of the fully functioning game getting positive feedback from our colleagues and faculty!
Check out the game up top or at this link here.